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Broken Pie Chart

Jun 28, 2020

Semi co-host Jay Pestrichelli joins the program to discuss all things VIX Index, what it measures, how stocks and markets each have their own volatility, and how implied volatility in the options market can determine probability of future moves.


What does the VIX Index represent?

What is implied volatility in the options markets?

What is the difference between implied volatility and historical or realized volatility in markets?

How implied volatility helps calculate current market-based probabilities

Jeremy Siegel now calling for some inflation

Options pricing around stock earnings

Reminiscing about CNBC after hours earnings options action appearances 

Options speculation vs hedging



Mentioned  in  this  Episode:



Jay Pestrichelli’ s book “Buy and Hedge”


Realized vs Implied Volatility March 2020


Why investors need a hedged equity strategy podcast


Jeremy Siegel talks inflation with Barry Ritholtz


Free Chapter from my book Broken Pie Chart


Book Jeremy Seigel Stocks for the Long Run


Derek Moore’s book Broken Pie Chart


Contact Derek