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Broken Pie Chart

Mar 28, 2021

Recently John Hussman put out a piece that the expected value of a 60/30/10 stock and bond portfolio over the next 12 years would be -5%. Future projections can be wrong or right, but what he explained that the option value of cash or a hedged equity approach may be more suited. So how does hedged equity play into this?...

Mar 14, 2021

Watch CNBC for more than 5 minutes and you are bound to hear discussion around is inflation coming? Are rising interest rates going to sink the stock market? But what has the stock market done historically during periods of rising rates? You might be surprised to find out. Take a look back at S&P 500 Returns in rising...

Mar 7, 2021

Recently financial news media mentioned that bearish short bets against the US Dollar were the highest since 2011. But what is the dollar index and is it the best measure? What is the Trade Weighted US Dollar Index? What is the good and bad of a strong vs week US Dollar?



US Dollar Index

Trade Weighted US Dollar...