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Broken Pie Chart

Sep 25, 2023

Derek Moore and Jay Pestrichelli, CEO of ZEGA Financial, discussed the fallout in the markets during Jerome Powell’s press conference post Fed decision. Then, they talk about high yield spreads and current interest rates across relative fixed income like investment grade, high yield, and treasuries. Finally, they...

Sep 17, 2023

Derek Moore and Jay Pestrichelli, CEO of ZEGA Financial, talk through the recent CBOE analysis on impact of 0DTE options. Contrary to popular belief, 0DTE options may not be causing imbalances according to the data. Plus, explaining how cash settled (European) style options differ from American style where you can be...

Sep 10, 2023

Derek Moore is back with ZEGA CEO Jay Pestrichelli where they discuss whether higher real yields are an issue for markets and how this period seems similar to the 1990’s. Then they dive into implied volatility using companies like Tesla TSLA and Nvidia NVDA as examples to explore how options markets express views on...

Sep 4, 2023

Derek Moore is joined once again by Jay Pestrichelli, CEO of ZEGA Financial where deep dive into the latest employment numbers. Plus, they ponder whether once everyone flips a recession finally comes? Later, they noticed some technical analysis on crude oil prices and a stealth rally. Then Jay and Derek talk through the...