Nov 28, 2021
Derek reviews some key market themes including things to watch on corporate earnings, profit margins and more. Then he discusses the current situation around oil rig counts and inventories versus demand. Later Derek talks about how government responses such as lockdowns can impact the economy.
S&P 500 Earnings
Nov 21, 2021
Derek is back to review data put out by OSAM showing periods of severe inflation, high inflation, and how stocks have done historically. How have bonds done during periods of high inflation? How common is severe or high inflation?
Severe Inflation
High Inflatipon
Moderate Inflation or Fed Target Inflation
Nov 14, 2021
Derek is back to discuss the recent media reports of highest inflation in 30 years. What is true and what isn’t? Plus he takes a deeper dive into inflation components, inflation sentiment effecting consumer beheavior, and sticky vs flexible inflation.
Inflation at 30 year highs
Today’s inflation vs late seventies...
Nov 8, 2021
Jay Pestrichelli, CEO of ZEGA Financial, is back with Derek to discuss Nassim Talib’s comments that Bitcoin is another Tulip Bubble. Plus, the Fed announced a taper so now what? How companies putting Bitcoin on their balance sheet effects volatility.
Nassim Talib's comments about bitcoin being another...