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Broken Pie Chart

Apr 5, 2020

Recently you’ve probably heard a lot of financial news media referring to the widening of spreads. Specifically, the High Yield Spread has widened above 1000 basis points. But what does it mean when the high yield spread increases? Get an overview on spreads widening or tightening. Plus, see how differently rated parts of the bond fixed income market see their spreads widen or narrow compared to US Treasury Bonds. 



What is the High Yield Bond Spread? 

What does it mean when bond spreads widen?

Comparing High Yield Bond yields to yields on US Treasury Bonds

Bond spreads as indicator on stock market

Explaining difference in credit rating on bonds

What rating is considered junk bond status

What did high yield spreads do in 2008 crisis?

What is the Option Adjusted Spread or OAS spread?

Callable bond features

Comparing yield spreads in investment grade bonds, CCC bonds, BBB bonds 

Default rates as risk factors

Probability of bond defaults


Mentioned in this Episode:


Current High Yield Option Adjusted Bond Spread


Podcast explaining bonds for investors and corporations


Current CCC High Yield Bond Spread


Current BBB Bond Yield Spread


Derek Moore’s book Broken Pie Chart


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