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Broken Pie Chart

Aug 30, 2020

The US Presidential election season is in full swing. But does it matter for the Stock Market which party gets elected? Spencer Wright from Halbert Wealth joins Derek to review some surprising historical statistics around market returns and GDP growth. Including some surprising data on some Presidents you might have been better or worse. Plus, they go through Professor Alan Lichtman’s 13 Keys model to try and predict this year’s election.


Historical stock market returns by Presidents and Party in Power President, Senate, and House

Historical GDP growth rate by Presidents

How often does the President, House, and Senate combinations of Republican or Democrat happen

Reviewing the Electoral College Map prospects for 2020

What is the “13 Keys to the White House” saying about the 2020 election

Predictions for 2020 election

Does the President’s party matter for stock market returns?

Surprises within the historical data on returns and GDP growth

Link to 97 years of historical returns by president



Mentioned  in  this  Episode:


Historical Stock Market and GDP Growth by President, Senate, and House Party


270 to Win Electoral Map


Book 13 Keys to the White House by Alan Lichtman


13 Keys to the White House 2020 Version


Derek Moore’s book Broken Pie Chart


Contact Derek