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Broken Pie Chart

Feb 28, 2021

Interest rates made a historic move higher last week as the treasury bond market sold off. But is this spike in interest rates previewing a higher move in inflation in the short term? What are breakeven inflation rates saying? Is the FED owning 30% of the TIPS bond market skewing inflation expectations?



What is...

Feb 25, 2021

Bonds prices are a function of current interest rates compared to their present value of cash flows and return of capital (baring defaults) at maturity. So, with interest rates so low around the world, is this a period of higher risk in bonds (fixed income)? How much more sensitivity to interest rate changes do...

Feb 14, 2021

This week Jay Pestrichelli and Derek Moore are back to discuss whether Bitcoin or Gold are good hedges. What the appeal of cryptocurrencies are? How just being long the market while have a hedged floor in the portfolio allows investors to be in the historically best inflation adjusted return asset.


Appeal of...

Feb 7, 2021

This week we follow up on or episode last week covering what the Gamestop short squeeze was all about. Are hedge funds naked shorting stocks? How margin accounts cause risk to brokerage firms like Robinhood. Why didn’t Gamestop do a secondary offering selling shares when the price was high? Why short sellers don’t...