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Broken Pie Chart

Nov 26, 2019

Recently a JP Morgan analyst highlighted how wrong stock market predictions would have caused investors to lag the markets by up to 60%. What were some of the since disproven predictions? Why do people read and follow some of this stuff? Although analysts also have predictions that prove true, if you have a hedged portfolio strategy why should you even care what people are saying? Discussed in the episode are some calls by Elaine Garzarelli , Nouriel Roubini, Jeff Gundlach, Peter Schiff, Carl Icahn, Paul Krugman, Marc Faber and more.



Summarizing recent JP Morgan analyst report on Armageddonist Comments costing investor money

Why does the financial news media continuously offer up various expert predictions on market direction?

Prediction that Blockbuster would take market share from Netflix

Credit Default Swaps are low risk for AIG

1987 crash predicted by Elaine Garzarelli

In fairness, predictions were a point in time by their authors

Doomsday stock market predictions probably get mouse clicks

Historical lookback at actual annual return for S&P 500 despite 1987 crash

Reviewing various historical long-term cycles in the Dow Jones index

1982 to 1999 magical run for stocks

Instead of following every prediction just be long the market but be hedged

Hedgers opportunity to buy at market bottoms 




Mentioned  in  this  Episode:



Contact Derek


Derek Moore’s book Broken Pie Chart


Elaine Garzarelli calls 1987 crash


Marketwatch article showing doomsday predictions that were wrong and would have cost investors


JP Morgan Guide to the Markets


Hilariously wrong predictions from Netflix to Credit Default Sways