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Broken Pie Chart

Jun 2, 2019

In this episode Derek Moore helps to clarify the difference between a real return (adjusted for inflation) and a nominal return. This is especially important when looking to increase your purchasing power. Plus, Derek simplifies the difference between taking a simple average and a geometric average. The difference may surprise many people. 



What is a real return versus a nominal return?

What is the formula to calculate an inflation adjusted real return?

Difference between a simple average annual investment return and a geometric average annual return

How has gold performed as a hedge historically?

Gold’s real historical returns including inflation adjusted real geometric returns

Gold has gone 30 years plus without providing a positive compounded return

Alternatives to using gold include buying broad index-based ETFs and hedging

The benefits of using options to hedge downside risk.



Mentioned  in  this  Episode:



Myths of 60/40 Portfolio Podcast


Part 2 Myths of the 60/40 Portfolio


How Purchasing Power of the Dollar is Eroding Due to Inflation


Derek Moore’s book Broken Pie Chart