Apr 7, 2019
For years you’ve been told that to get better risk adjusted returns you should diversify with some percentage in stocks and some in bonds. Yet when you look at the inflation adjusted annualized returns, is the idea of a 60/40 portfolio to manage downside risk more of a myth? In this interesting conversation Derek Moore and Jay Pestrichelli discuss why bonds may not offer much of a real return given where rates are. Plus, they delve into whether a 60/40 portfolio offers better risk adjusted returns using classic measures like a Sharpe Ratio. Also, is gold still a modern hedge in portfolios? Stay tuned for Part II coming soon.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Contact Derek Moore www.razorwealth.com
The Hedgers Opportunity by Jay Pestrichelli https://www.investmentnews.com/article/20190401/BLOG09/190409991/the-hedgers-opportunity
Historical Gold Prices https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GOLDAMGBD228NLBM#0
How do Treasury Inflation Protected Securities TIPS work? https://www.thebalance.com/how-do-tips-work-417128