Oct 31, 2021
Derek is back to explain why homes may not be as unaffordable compared to 30 years ago. What the media may leave out when talking about home prices and inflation. Plus, quick update on container shipping prices and the week ahead for several central banks.
What the media gets wrong about home prices
After inflation, home prices haven’t risen quite as much
Low rates mean more house
Challenge with extending the terms on auto loans
Importance of annualizing data
Down payments not as bad?
Comapring home appreciation to income gains
Container shipping costs are moving lower
Central banks interest rate decisiosn coming
Mentioned in this Episode:
Contact Derek Moore derek.moore@zegafinancial.com
Derek Moore’s Book Broken Pie Chart https://www.amazon.com/Broken-Pie-Chart-Investment-Portfolio/dp/1787435547?ref_=nav_signin&
Are homes more affordable after accounting for inflation? https://realestatedecoded.com/real-monthly-mortgage-payment-home-price-index/
Real median income US https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEHOINUSA672N
Real median home prices historical https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MSPUS