Sep 7, 2020
Many people know they should understand what their current net worth is. Many also know they should get a handle on their cash flow versus income. Yet it often seems too complicated. Lets uncomplicate personal finance a bit and see how to come up with your current assets and liabilities quickly and easily. Also, how to compile and work through your expenditures versus income.
The larger expenses matter more than your little Netflix monthly expense
Liquid vs Illiquid assets and liabilities
Is a house an asset or liability?
Your car may not be an asset
How to eBay stuff lying around to contribute or start an investment account
Building your personal balance sheet
What your monthly savings could be worth in 5 years
Why budgets do not have to be complicated
Now is a good time to see what memberships you no longer need
Mentioned in this Episode:
Derek Moore’s book Broken Pie Chart
Contact Derek