Sep 1, 2019
Commentators on CNBC are always opining about whether a market is overvalued or undervalued. But how would you look for yourself to make your own opinion? In this episode Derek Moore reviews the S&P 500 Index earnings per share, forward earnings estimates, PE Ratio, Forward PE ratio, and more. Plus, a review of what composes earnings per share growth including margins, share count, and revenue. Learn how to form you own opinions.
S&P 500 Index Earnings Per Share
S&P 500 PE Ratio and Forward PE Ratio
Where are we historically on S&P 500 Forward Price to Estimated Earnings?
Shiller PE Ratio or CAPE Ratio
Earnings Per Share Growth Components: Revenues, Margins, and Share Counts
Share Buybacks effect on Earnings Per Share
Interest Rate Effects on Discounting Future Earnings
Subsequent 5-year annualized returns from various forward PE ratios
Mentioned in this Episode:
Podcast on being an armchair economist
JP Morgan Guide to the Markets Report
Book: Broken Pie Chart
Razor Wealth Management