Oct 11, 2021
Derek Moore is back to discuss whether the Fed has any cover to not pull back on their monthly asset purchases. Plus, what is the employment situation? What about inflation and supply side supply chains? Are we nearing Stagflation? This and more on the program.
Fed Taper
Fed Asset Purchases
Container Shipping
Supply Side Issues
GDP Now failing
US Treasuries Close Above 1.6%
Labor Participation Rate
Mentioned in this Episode:
Contact Derek derek.moore@zegafinancial.com
Derek Moore’s Book Broken Pie Chart https://www.amazon.com/Broken-Pie-Chart-Investment-Portfolio/dp/1787435547?ref_=nav_signin&
Atlanta Fed GDP Nowcast https://www.atlantafed.org/cqer/research/gdpnow?panel=4
Cleveland Fed Inflation Nowcast https://www.clevelandfed.org/our-research/indicators-and-data/inflation-nowcasting.aspx