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Broken Pie Chart

Jan 10, 2021

Recently there have been many discussions on the valuation of the S&P 500 based on forward earnings multiples. But what role do bond yields have in that evaluation? Does the implied P/E ratio of the Baa bond yield or US 10 Year Treasury yield imply that stocks have more room to run? In any case, why not just buy but hedge as a strategy?


S&P 500 Index earnings yield

Inverse of P/E ratio is the E/P earnings yield.

Baa bond yield to calculate the implied P/E ratio

Baa bond yields vs US 10 Year Treasury yields to compare to stock earnings yield

How to calculate the earnings yield on stocks

How to calculate the implied PE ratio from bond yields

Forward PE ratio calculation

Earnings estimates vs reality.

How earnings estimates and earnings can change

Bond yields vs Earnings Yields 






Mentioned  in  this  Episode:


Book Buy and Hedge


Derek Moore’s book Broken Pie Chart


Razor Wealth Management


Baa Corporate Bond Yields


JP Morgan Guide to the Markets


Podcast on Hedged Equity Strategies