Mar 28, 2021
Recently John Hussman put out a piece that the expected value of a 60/30/10 stock and bond portfolio over the next 12 years would be -5%. Future projections can be wrong or right, but what he explained that the option value of cash or a hedged equity approach may be more suited. So how does hedged equity play into this? How Deal or No Deal game show explains the expected value calculation. And why bonds with low rates and risk of rising rates might present challenges in the typical 60/40 portfolio.
How to Calculate expected value
Deal or No Deal Example on expected value
Exploring Hussman’s option value of cash
Expected returns based on valuation.
60/40 stock and bond portfolio vs hedged equity approach
Container shipping revolutionized trade like the internet?
Stuck container ship causing global trade snafu.
Real returns on bonds after inflation
Mentioned in this Episode:
Hussman article on the option value of cash due to market expectations
The Box book on Container Shipping by Marc Levinson
Buy and Hedge Book
Derek Moore’s book Broken Pie Chart
Contact Derek