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Broken Pie Chart

Feb 14, 2021

This week Jay Pestrichelli and Derek Moore are back to discuss whether Bitcoin or Gold are good hedges. What the appeal of cryptocurrencies are? How just being long the market while have a hedged floor in the portfolio allows investors to be in the historically best inflation adjusted return asset.


Appeal of Bitcoin

How Inflation is hurting the dollar’s purchasing power

Gold as an inflation hedge

Golds real return might be less than people think.

Aren’t bitcoin transactions all recorded via blockchain anyway?

Stocks for the long run

Stocks real return, after inflation, higher than gold or bonds

Portfolio hedging for retirees and near retirees.

Advice on size of potential cryptocurrencies



Mentioned  in  this  Episode:



Gamestop Short Squeeze Wall Street Bets Explained


Derek’s book Broken Pie Chart on Amazon


Jay Pestrichelli’s book Buy and Hedge


Contact Derek